Only Buy the Best – Natural Sunscreen

Like most products on the market, there are lots of sunscreens out there that boast about how effective they are, how high their SPF is, and how great they are when it comes to keeping skin safe. Did you know that once a sunscreen is about 30 SPF it really does not matter how much higher the number goes because the sun protection does not increase by much at all. Perhaps an additional 1% by the time it reaches 45 SPF. There is no point in choosing an SPF that is any higher because it simply does not matter at that point. In addition, do you know what is in those sunscreens? And why exactly do you have to wait 20 minutes before actually going out into the sun?

In reality, the ingredients are mostly chemically created. You have to put sunscreen on anywhere from 20-30 minutes before going out because it needs time to soak into your skin. But then that begs the question why should you choose an option that allows the sun to touch your skin at all. Natural sunscreens such as zinc oxide sunscreens are much better for your skin overall and have many benefits that typical sunscreens simply do not have. You should pick the highest rated natural sunscreen for your workers because that is what they deserve and it will protect them better than anything you can find on the drugstore shelf.

Zinc oxide sunscreen doesnt soak into your skin like regular sunscreen. That is because the zinc oxide in it will sit atop your skin instead as it cannot be absorbed. This is what you want because the zinc oxide will reflect away the suns rays including harmful UVA and UVB rays. Its like coating your skin with liquid mirror! Even better, zinc oxide sunscreen is hypoallergenic, earth-friendly, and non-greasy. In fact, dermatologists recommend this type of natural sunscreen because it is so good for your skin. It wont clog up pores or hair follicles, it can include helpful antioxidants that benefit skin, as well as vitamin E for keeping skin soft.

Jobs that require people to be outside usually involves a lot of hard work. Whether youre constructing a building or laying down a brand new road, you may be outside for hours at a time. It is vital that you get the best protection against the sun possible. When the sun cannot even touch your skin you will be completely free of sunburns and can even dismiss the worry of skin cancer. Your health is too important to ignore, which is why choosing a natural sunscreen is so essential. It is also important to remember that you may need sunscreen all year round not just in summer. The sun will shine no matter what the season, and if you are outside and have skin exposed, it needs to be protected.